Merchant Details

On this page, you can find the meanings and usage areas of terms specific to your store.

Merchant ID (merchant_id)

The "merchant_id" is a unique identifier composed of randomly selected numbers specific to your store. You should use it to identify yourself in your API integrations.

Merchant KEY (merchant_key)

The "merchant_key" is a unique key provided to your store for secure communication with the payment gateway. This key should be kept confidential and used in your API requests to authenticate your transactions.If you wish, you can change this field. However, please note that none of your integrations will work after making the change.

Merchant SALT (merchant_salt)

The "merchant_salt" is a unique string of characters provided to enhance the security of your transactions. It is used in combination with other keys to generate secure hashes for verifying data integrity in your API communications.

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