Direct API Before You Start


The integration of all services to be used in the direct API solution to the structure to be used and the provision of testing processes are carried out by the store. For this reason, it is necessary to have software knowledge in order to operate the payment page, to create the services to be used in a healthy way and to avoid any loss of transaction. The entire flow, including security in the direct API solution, is under the control and responsibility of the store owner. There is no ready-made structure in this solution. If your request to use the API solution directly is approved by our relevant units, it is defined to your store. CoinPays reserves the right to reject or approve your request regarding this matter.

Important Pre-Notification About Integration:

API Information: Main User and Technical User are authorized to access "Merchant no (merchant_id)", "Merchant password (merchant_key)" and "Merchant secret key (merchant_salt)" which are required for API. These credentials can be found on the INFORMATION page on the Merchant Panel.

Integration consists of 2 steps:

STEP 1 - Preparing the payment form on your website and sending the information needed for CoinPays API. STEP 2 - Create the Callback URL to Receive Payment Results: Callback URL is the URL of a page on your website where the CoinPays system will POST payment results.

Please use Support page on the Merchant Panel for your inquiries regarding the integration process.

Click here to download CoinPays images that you can use on your website or application.

Click here to download the Direct API document and all services

Last updated